Desert Flower Blooms

Desert Flower Blooms

Monday, July 20, 2009

Jesus Came to My Door Today

Jesus came to my door today
Hot and sweaty, he'd walked a long way.
He asked for some water and I asked him in.
This is how my story begins.

He told me he had no place to stay
Though he'd asked at some places along the way
He didn't earn enough to foot the bill each day,
Much less have the money for the rent to pay.

Then he told me, though he was fit and able,
He'd worked really hard but had no food for his table.

He was on his way to work and couldn't stay
but I couldn't let him leave with no food for the way.
So I made arrangements, and we shared a meal,
I found transportation to seal the deal.

He was gracious and polite,
kind, sincere and relieved
He said, "Thank you."
and shook my hand as he started to leave.

He looked just like a friend, just an ordinary guy.
Hard on his luck though you could tell he tried.

My heart had been heavy and burdened with care,
But as soon as he left I knew Jesus had been here.
Now I was at peace, my fears set at bay,
Because Jesus came to my door today.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Cactus Flower

The story goes: My mother has created a visual representation of our family tree on a 10 foot piece of canvas. It is definitely an heirloom and a true legacy. Each family member has been designated a quilt pattern. My sister is sugar loaf because of her love of cooking. My dad is T-square because of his drafiting abilities. My mother is Crazy Ann because her name is Ann. My brother is Job's Trouble because well.... you get the picture. For me, she chose Cactus Flower!

Now my absolute first impression when she told me was one of hurt. It sounded so lonely and I didn't feel it really described me at all. I have always thought of myself as a happy person, who loves everyone and all of God's creation. I approach life with joy and wonder and just sheer determination. I love life!!! But a Cactus Flower????

When I expressed my surprise at her choice, her words to me were the most loving and affirming I could have ever wished for.
"A cactus blooms in the most adverse of circumstances. Life has been hard for you but you have still managed to blossom."

Wow! Such love and a real true understanding of who I really am. And so, I am so blessed that I am a cactus flower. So much so that I composed a song. Here are the lyrics.

Cactus Flower blooms in the desert
Never a word says she
Cactus Flower blooms in the desert
Tell me where do you get your energy?

From the Father of Lights beaming down
And the mighty stream that runs underground.

Rooted and grounded in His Love
She grows slowly, being fed from His hand.
Then out of the solitary
Her fruit can be seen by every man!

We are like the cactus flower
Growing in a solitary place.
We are like the cactus flower
The Glory that is seen upon our face,

Is from the Father of Lights beaming down
And the mighty stream that runs underground.

Cactus flowers
We bloom in the desert
For all the world to see!

Have a blessed day and remember to bloom where you are planted!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well, it has been a while since I came here. I think it is important for me to begin visiting here more often. There is so much going on in my life and my spirit. I need to document and solidify my musings, so that I can make good decisions.

My first thoughts this morning were triggered by the occurences of last night/early morning. Hubby and I have started reading Simplicity by John Michael Talbot with Dan O'Neill. The first chapter is on Humility and what that means in the body of Christ AND how it is walked out in our lives. The questions at the end of the chapter are thought provoking and challenge one to change their M. O. I thought I had it figured out what 'non-humble' task the Lord had called me to work on for the next two weeks. Boy was I wrong!

One of the scriptures discussed in the book is of course from St. Paul's writings admonishing us to not think more highly of ourselves than we ought and to esteem others over ourselves, recognizing that each person is created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore as we relate to each other in this world we are to honor the Lord and His likeness in other people. Basically this is the theme of the Ragamuffin Gospel.

Interesting how prideful I am. I thought I do that! No problem....hmmmmm. But what is my reaction to things that annoy or irritate me??? Do I let those things slide off my back or do I take them to heart and begin to make a talley count, keeping a record of wrongs??? Wrongs to whom??? Who am I to be "wronged?"

Ah... and so the Lord allowed a situation to occur in my life to show me just how prideful and loftily I rank myself. Instead of being gracious and making the best of the situation, I began to ruminate over the circumstances and taking in the bitterness that was beginning to churn in my heart. O wretched sinner that I am. I, of course, have had a morning of meditating on this and now realize that confession is necessary. Acknowledging my sin and my utter weakness when it comes to pride. May the Merciful God forgive me and lead me to life everlasting.

Dove-tailing to this revelation is part of the sermon from this morning's mass by Father Mitch Pacwa. The very last little bit of his homily was on the "yoke" of Jesus. Jesus was a carpenter by trade and yokes were not "one size fits all" but tailor made to the team of oxen. Jesus says,
"Come to me all you who labor and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matt. 11:28-30

The yoke He has constructed is tailor made to HIM!!!! He is the lead ox. Yet He humbled HIMSELF and became a man, and so He also tailor makes the yoke we must use as well to fit US!!! So that when He and I pull together, He being the Lead, carries the weight of the yoke. The key is for me to not fight against the yoke, but HUMBLE MYSELF and put on HIS yoke. Only in this way, will I be satified and make spiritual progress.

And so, these musings today give me some food for thought and meditation. Lord Help me to remember that you are part of everyone I meet and I should esteem them better than myself because YOU ARE GREATER!